Boyer Inc, Established 1979
We can't help but be exhausted as we look back over the past year! With four active growing children in school, ballgames, music lessons and more. (we actually wonder how it all got done) I remeber thinking when I had three children under the age of five how life couldn't be more hectic---what a joke! But I'm sure you all KNOW that by now. I must admit however, getting around for traveling has become much more pleasurable. So we've ventured out on more excursions to "get away from it all".
In January we spent a few days soaking up the warmth and sun of Palm Springs. And we spent a lot of time traveling back and forth to Utah, where Annie (my sis) and her family have taken up permanent residence in Draper. We went ther in April and got some late spring skiing in, the in July tha kids and I escaped for a week. We took the challenge of climbing up to Timpanogos Cave! Poor Laura, if I had even guessed how difficult that would be we would never have attempted it--But she was a trooper! We also got go to out little "heaven on earth", otherwise known as the BEACH HOUSE (it is our ultimate pleasure). Included in all this craziness is my long lost brother Tommy, discharged from the Navy. He moved in with us in April, liked it so mych he now has a job and a place of his own just up the street fromus! It has been a real joy to have "uncle" around. Laura just tags around him like a puppy. Although he claims it's SHE who leads him around!
Amy is now 13 and 1/2. She continues to excel in her academics and has added a drama class to her already full schedule. She continues to play the piano, but is no longer with an instructor. Instead she uses the time for horseback riding whre she has learned "english style" and has now progressed to "dressage". Of course she does well in it. Quite frankly there isn't anything Amy can't do! We think she's turning out to be a lovely young lady.
Brian(11) continues to be an aspiring artist. He constantly is drawing some new comic book character or supehero. It doesn't seem to interfere with his classwork though, and he has dsone very well in his grades. His big passion is baseball. there is such a difference in his ability from las year (and in his attitude too!) We've really enjoyed the season with him. He struggles through piano, but has come to terms with the fact his parents won't give in to his whines!
Karen (8) is still our "miss sunshine". She is enjoying her new teacher Mrs. Evans a great deal,and works really hard to please her. If we could pick her most happy event this year it would be her baptism! She also got to start piano this year and can be found "pounding" out her songs every day to her hearts content. She is so joyful.
Laura (almost 5) is of course the baby of the family, now matter how big she gets. And that's just fine with her! She is so social and enjoys playing with all her good friends. She keeps very busy running errands with her mom and keeping up with all the "big kids" schedules. Our golden retriever (Amber) is still her "bestest buddy" and they love to walk the neighborhood looking for handouts! Laura missed the kindegarten cutoff with her late Dec. birthday, but feels that mom would just "miss her too much" anyway, so better to stay home and keep her busy!
Mom and dad had definitely grown old this year. And unfortunately they don't do it too gracefully! We celebrated our FIFTEENTH wedding anniversary this past August, and unbeknownst to each of us we had planned a blowout trip to honor the event! Linda kidnapped Ken from work and flew him to Salt Lake City, UT where we roomed at my sister's. She had the master suite all done up with sparkling cidar; treats; relaxing music; and bath salts! The next morning we drove down to the little southern town of Manti, where we were married, and spent the day in the temple there. IT was glorious. The day after returning from that trip, Ken surprised me by having a private plane jet us over to Catalina Island! It was a blast! We spent a cozy weekend in an adorable suite overlooking the bay. So romantic! This all blew our budget of course, so we've decided from now on to alternate each year to one spouse so we don't overlap our good intentions again!
Ken is still making a living giving eye care, and the business is doing quite nicely. He continues to serve in our church by giving daily early morning scripture lessons to the teens in our community. This will be four years now that he rises at six o'clock and prepares lessons daily! We don't know how he manages to do it! He finally got his SCUBA cerification, a goal of his that he finally took the classes for. We've all enjoyed his new hobby...last month he brought home 7 lobsters from an expedition, so we gathered with friends and had a feast! Oh,in case you're wondering if Linda accompanies Ken in his undersea adventures...NO WAY!
Linda battles with the daily ritual of life in the van, transporting children to a million destinations! She continues to volunteer a day a week in the classroom, and to teaching music to the children's Sunday School (quite a feat since she knows nothing about music-not beats, not measure, not notes) Her singing is really not something she should do in public either!!! And although calling what she has learned from this experiance a new "talent" is stretching it, she has definitely increased her ability and capacity to serve the Lord in one more way! Just to keep her life from getting boring she added horseback lessons with Amy, and is like a kid again!
Well that should fill you in on what we've managed to squeeze into a year--along with all the other necessaries, that go on in day to day living. We look forward to hearing from you all at this holiday season too, and catching up on all the changes that seem to be happening so fast now. We realize that with all the added birthdays we've accumulated, have come many sweet memories also. We're glad to count you among those we hold dear in our thoughts and in our hearts! Know of our love for you....
"When you search for me you will find me, if you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13