xmas newsletter home
Christmas already?! Wow how time flies! Well as you may have noticed we have a new address. We are finally settled in and can’t believe with all the room we have now, how we ever squeezed into the last place. The front landscaping is finally in, but it will be awhile before we get the other 1/2 acre done! I keep stalling on getting more furniture because I like the uncluttered look.

Our family trip was scheduled for January, and so after getting necessities unpacked we flew off to Hawaii. We absolutely loved it. We stayed on Maui with our friend’s and partner’s, the Bladh’s, and their family. We spent all the time we could just strolling over to the beach and surfing and sunning. When we weren’t doing that were eating at the great luau’s. Cheryl, the girls and I also shopped for Hawaiian print fabric, and tools for making lei’s.

Amy (19) is pursuing her general education studies locally, while working in her dad’s office, and following up on her model contract. She is a very busy girl who we rarely see at home. She visited friends up at BYU recently and pronounced it “too cold”, to want to go there any time soon! She was released from her primary calling as pianist and as ward organist, and is now in the singles ward. She keeps busy with all the social activities that go with that.

Brian (17) is our current chauffeur (I love that first year kids get their license) He had to wait to get it on condition of his earning his Eagle. And he finally did it! He had the project done well over a year ago, and slacked off on writing and submitting it. So it’s official..he is an EAGLE SCOUT! His calling is first-assistant in the Priest Quorum, which gives him a lot of responsibility. It has been wonderful watching him perform his duties. He continues on in his musical activities playing in two bands. He alternates between lead guitar, keyboards, and occasionally drums! His friends and he have had quite a few “gigs” and are making a name for themselves. Did I mention he LOVES music with a passion?!

Karen (14) keeps us all busy driving her around to all her activities! She is the most “social” of our teenagers. Keeping her busy are piano playing and teaching piano to Laura. She still earns a good living babysitting , although now her Saturdays are booked with youth dances every week. And to make us feel even older than we already feel, she is taking high school courses (at home). Where does the time go? She is busy helping mom in the Young Women’s program as second counselor to the class president. This past summer she spent a week in Santa Barbara, CA in the “Especially for Youth” program. It was a great experience for her, that she got to share with her brother and friend Amanda. She made lots of new friends also, and is looking forward to attending next year. She enjoyed Hawaii and along with Amy learned the hula. She is already planning on attending BYU Hawaii!

Laura (11) is thriving on soccer. She is relentless with the sport and making a name for herself as a skilled player. Her talent for running non-stop comes in handy! She enjoys her Achievement Day activities and getting together with friend's for some “razor” scooting around our new circular driveway. We’ve counted at least 12 kids circling the driveway at any given time (Laura in the lead of course). Her other pastime is to hike the mountainside above our home with a friend of ours. They love to compete on who can endure the most rigorous trail (and of course Laura is never exhausted-she is a bundle of energy) This is her second year of piano. She hates to practice, but does fine in her lessons.

Ken has been very excited about co-managing the new LASIK procedure in eye surgery, and keeping up with the new drug law that allows him to write prescriptions. The business is doing very well, and he’s decided it’s a good way to earn a living! He enjoys his partner Taylor, and they are a perfect balance of personality and qualities. He is looking forward to a scheduled trip to the Caymans this month where he can scuba to his heart’s content (he no longer needs contacts or glasses!)

Linda, as usual goes MACH 20. And with three teenagers it’s all she can do to keep up! She stays out of trouble by homeschooling the children (our sixth year), serving as 1st counselor in the Young Women’s program, doing genealogy, and staying in touch with alumni and friends online.

We wish you a world of peace, prosperity, and joy...a year full of abundance.

The Boyer’s
Christmas 2000
Boyer, Inc.  Established 1979